This page is a way to organize our DNA barcoding data that is submitted to BOLD. For more background information about DNA barcoding see the iBOL website, the introduction at CBOL, CSH's barcoding 101, and the DNA barcoding wikipedia page, which includes a discussion of criticisms that are not as forthcoming on the other websites. The focus of this work is to further the description of the species found in Hawai'i, and possibly other Pacific islands in the future, as broadly as possible. Currently, this is a combination of COI (COI-5p) and rbcL (rbcL-a) sequences generated for animal and plant samples. This is done both in the research lab and by undergraduate students in a genetics teaching lab.

The samples are ordered by classical ("DKPCOFGS") taxonomy and alphabetically. A common name (not an exhaustive list) and/or a terse discription are sometimes given after the scientific name. Links to the corresponding BOLD page are given for individual sample designations. A symbol is a link to the taxon's corresponding wikipedia page and a symbol is a link to the encyclopedia of life page. Some species are indicated as endemic (native to and only found in Hawai'i), native (native to Hawai'i but also native to areas outside of Hawai'i—this does not mean the specific sample is from Hawai'i), or canoe (likely originally brought to Hawai'i by the Polynesians before Western contact—this also does not indicate the specific samples do not also originate from later introductions). There may also be a near threatened or endangered designation with a link to the species listing information.

The taxonomic hierachy below is given to help line up with the scrolling list of individual samples.

Notes on samples with special status: