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Revision as of 03:30, 28 July 2014

I am interested in what people thin the best organization of genetics topics might be.

Genetics is a vast, rapidly changing field. There are connections to other diverse fields such as psychology, law, medicine, history, and teaching. A classic way to divide genetics topics is into classical, molecular, and population genetics; however, I suspect this leaves out important areas.

The topics I would like an introductory genetics class to cover include:

  • Mendelian Inheritance and Punnet Squares
  • Genetic linkage and recombination
  • metabolic pathways and epistasis
  • gene structure and the central dogma
  • genome structure and organization
  • chromosomes, mitosis and meiosis
  • distinction between the germ-line and the soma
  • mutations and their effects
  • alleles and morphs
  • penetrance and expressivity
  • transposable elements
  • pedigree analysis
  • LOD scores
  • the chi-square test and degrees of freedom
  • quantitative genetics of complex traits and the regression
  • methods of genetic engineering and germ line transformation
  • genetic tools such as binary expression systems
  • forward genetics and reverse genetics
  • personal genomics
  • introductory developmental genetics
  • the history of eugenics and laws regarding genetic data
  • genetic pest management
  • medical and cancer genetics
  • genetic antropology
  • inbreeding and population structure
  • average heterozygosity and effective population size
  • ---to be continued---