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All natural variation originates from mutations. etc.

Types of Mutations

Mutation Rates

Directional Mutation Model

[math]p_g = p_{g-1} (1-\mu)[/math]

[math]p_g = p_0 (1-\mu)^g[/math]

[math]p_g = p_0 e^{-\mu g}[/math]

As a rule of thumb the time until loss of half of the non-mutated alleles is approximately 70% of the "one out of x" mutation rate. If a gene region has a mutation rate of one out of 100,000 then approximately half of the copies will mutate in 70,000 generations.

Reversible Mutation Model

[math]p_g = p_{g-1} (1-\mu) + (1-p_{g-1})\nu[/math]

[math]\hat{p} = \frac{\nu}{\nu+\mu}[/math]