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Haploid Model

In a deterministic (selection only, no drift or mutation) model an allele frequency is raised or lowered by multiplying it by the average fitness of the corresponding phenotype. In this simple case there is less of a distinction between allele, genotype, and phenotype, than in diploid models.

Say the fitness of an "A" allele is wA and the fitness of the alternative allele "a" is set to a value of one, wa = 1.

The frequency of the allele pA in the next generation is equal to the frequency times fitness divided by the total frequencies times fitnesses in the population (to maintain this as a proportion out of the total).

[math]p_{t+1} = \frac{w_A p}{w_A p + w_a (1-p)} = = \frac{w_A p}{w_A p + 1 - p}[/math]

Diploid Model
