Home > Science > Biology > Genetics > Population Genetics > Heterozygosity > Figure 1

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  \draw[gray, very thick] (1,2) circle [radius=0.25];
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  \draw[gray, very thick] (9,2) circle [radius=0.25];
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\draw[->, thick] (4.75,1.5) -- (4.25,0.5);
\draw[->, thick] (7,1.5) -- (7,0.5);
\path (7.8,1) node(x) {mutation};

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  \draw[gray, very thick] (2,0) circle [radius=0.25];
  \draw[gray, very thick] (3,0) circle [radius=0.25];
  \draw[black, very thick] (4,0) circle [radius=0.25];
  \draw[gray, very thick] (5,0) circle [radius=0.25];
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  \draw[black, very thick, fill=gray] (7,0) circle [radius=0.25];
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  \draw[gray, very thick] (9,0) circle [radius=0.25];
  \draw[gray, very thick] (10,0) circle [radius=0.25];


Floyd A. Reed, December 5, 2020
