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publications [2019/09/23 06:12]
publications [2019/09/23 06:49]
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-  * {{laruson_2017|Láruson, Á. J. (2017). Rates and relations of mitochondrial genome evolution across the Echinoidea, with special focus on the superfamily Odontophora. Ecology and Evolution, 7(13), 4543-4551.}}+  * Pending //ca//. 2020.  Láruson, Á. J., & Reed, F. A. //Population Genetics with R: A Practical Guide//. Writing contract with Oxford University Press. 
 +  * Kingston, S. E., Martino, P., Melendy, M., Reed, F. A., & Carlon, D. B. (2018). Linking genotype to phenotype in a changing ocean: inferring the genomic architecture of a blue mussel stress response with genome‐wide association. //Journal of Evolutionary Biology//, 31(3), 346--361. 
 +  * [[laruson_2018|Láruson, Á. J. (2018). Genomics of the Globally Distributed Echinoid Genus Tripneustes (Doctoral dissertation).]] 
 +  * Reed, F. A., Aquino-Michaels, T. G., Costantini, M. S., Láruson, Á. J., & Sutton, J. T. (2018). RPM-Drive: A robust, safe, and reversible gene drive system that remains functional after 200+ generations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.05304. 
 +  * [[laruson_2017|Láruson, Á. J. (2017). Rates and relations of mitochondrial genome evolution across the Echinoidea, with special focus on the superfamily Odontophora. Ecology and Evolution, 7(13), 4543-4551.]] 
 +  * Reed, F. A. (2017). CRISPR/Cas9 gene drive: Growing pains for a new technology. //Genetics//, 205(3), 1037. 
 +  * Bryk, J., Reeves, R. G., Reed, F. A., & Denton, J. A. (2017). Transcriptional effects of a positive feedback circuit in //Drosophila melanogaster//. //BMC Genomics//, 18(1), 990. 
 +  * Reed, F. A. (2017). Evolutionary Genetic Engineering in the Indo-Pacific: Conservation, Humanitarian, and Social Issues. arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.01710. 
 +  * Láruson, Á. J., & Reed, F. A. (2016). Stability of underdominant genetic polymorphisms in population networks. //Journal of Theoretical Biology//, 390, 156--163. 
 +  * Shafer, A. B., Wolf, J. B., Alves, P. C., Bergström, L., Colling, G., Dalén, L., ... & Hoezel, A. R. (2016). Reply to Garner //et al//. //Trends in Ecology & Evolution//, 31(2), 83--84. 
 +  * Shafer, A. B., Wolf, J. B., Alves, P. C., Bergström, L., Bruford, M. W., Brännström, I., ... & Fawcett, K. D. (2015). Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice. //Trends in Ecology & Evolution//, 30(2), 78--87. 
 +  * Gokhale, C. S., Reeves, R. G., & Reed, F. A. (2014). Dynamics of a combined medea-underdominant population transformation system. //BMC Evolutionary Biology//, 14(1), 98.  
 +  * Reeves, R. G., Bryk, J., Altrock, P. M., Denton, J. A., & Reed, F. A. (2014). First steps towards underdominant genetic transformation of insect populations. //PLoS One//, 9(5), e97557.
   * [[tabios_et_al._2014|Tabios, M., L. Boell, and F. A. Reed. (2014) A new mutation of PDA synthase, sepia, isolated from wild Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila Information Service 97, 176-177.]]    * [[tabios_et_al._2014|Tabios, M., L. Boell, and F. A. Reed. (2014) A new mutation of PDA synthase, sepia, isolated from wild Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila Information Service 97, 176-177.]] 
 +  * Reed, F. A., Traulsen, A, & Altrock, P M. (2013)  Underdominance.  In //Encyclopedia of Genetics//, Brenner, S. & Miller, J. H., Eds., Elsevier Science, Inc. 
 +  * Traulsen, A., & Reed, F. A. (2012). From genes to games: cooperation and cyclic dominance in meiotic drive. //Journal of Theoretical Biology//, 299, 120--125.
 +  * Reed, F. A. (2012). Modern Human Migrations: The First 200,000 Years. In //Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives// (pp. 315--326).  M. Messer, R. Schroeder & R. Wodak, Eds. Springer, Vienna.
 +  * Reeves, R. G., Denton, J. A., Santucci, F., Bryk, J., & Reed, F. A. (2012). Scientific standards and the regulation of genetically modified insects. //PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases//, 6(1), e1502.
 +  * Altrock, P. M., Traulsen, A., & Reed, F. A. (2011). Stability properties of underdominance in finite subdivided populations. //PLoS Computational Biology//, 7(11), e1002260.
publications.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/06 23:27 by floyd