Unusual heterokaryon complementation patterns
When heterokaryons are produced the cells fuse but the nuclei do not. This might provide an opportunity to study effects that are restricted to the nuclei versus effects that are shared between nuclei. However, mRNA is exported out of the nucleus to the rough endoplasmic reticulum and protein products are imported back into the nucleus through the pore system is they have the correct nuclear localization signal. Thus it is unclear how two nuclei that share a cytoplasm would have restricted gene functions. Proteins can be quickly shared among the nuceli of heterokaryons (e.g., Piñol-Roma and Dreyfuss 1992, also see the discussion of Rao et al. 1970 (who worked out the cell cycle process from signals shared among heterokayon nuceli) here http://www.nature.com/celldivision/milestones/full/milestone06.html).
Wilkins et al. 1982 studied variants at five genes affecting chicken pigmentation (recessive white c, pink-eye pk, blue Bl, recessive wheaten ey, and dominant white I) in both double heterozygotes and in heterokaryons.
In the chart above Bl is incompletely dominant in heterozygotes and therefore does not fully restore a wildtype phenotype.
Dominant white I does not complement in double heterozygotes (because of dominance) but does complement with c and Bl in heterokaryons, perhaps suggesting its function is restricted to the nucleus. However, dominant white I is a 9bp insertion mutation in exon 10 of PMEL17, a transmembrane protein required for eumelanosome development, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448810/
Similarly, pk does not complement with Bl or ey, again perhaps suggesting function limited to the nucleus. pk may be almost lost in chicken stocks (http://stalderexotics.com/chicken_genetics.htm) but may be P protein (OCA2) which is a melanosome anion pump https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11310796 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q04671