Home > Science > Biology > Genetics > Population Genetics > Heterozygosity > Figure 9

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\documentclass[border={2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt}]{standalone}


% convert to png with
% pdftoppm -png -r 150 out.pdf > out.png

 \draw[very thin, red, fill=red!25!white, fill opacity=.5] (0,0)--(0,0.32)--(0.75,0.32) -- (0.75,0); 
 \draw[red] (0.75,0.32) node[right] {$\theta_3$};
 \draw[very thin, blue, fill=blue!25!white, fill opacity=.5] (0,0)--(0,1.2)--(0.2,1.2) -- (0.2,0); 
 \draw[blue] (0.2,1.2) node[right] {$\theta_1$};
  \draw[very thin, green, fill=green!25!white, fill opacity=.5] (0,0)--(0,0.49)--(0.49,0.49) -- (0.49,0); 
 \draw[green] (0.49,0.49) node[right] {$\theta_2$};
 \draw[->] (-0.1,0) -- (1.5,0) node[right] {$2N$};
 \draw[->] (0,-0.1) -- (0,1.5) node[above] {$2\mu$};

 \draw (0,-0.1) node[below] {$0$};
 \draw (-0.1,0) node[left] {$0$};


Floyd A. Reed, January 4, 2020
